Monday 10 June 2024

Illustration challenge

I love an illustration challenge. It's a nice way of designing something for myself, away from any designs I do for work and it's very freeing! There are two accounts I follow on Instagram that do regular design challenges. One is @thetuesdaycollective who set weekly challenges and the other is @ellolovey who sets a monthly challenge, with a doodle a day.

The @thetuesdaycollective account often sets challenges based around current fashion trends and last week's challenge was all about neon. After doing a bit of research I decided to draw these fabulous wide leg trousers from Me and Em. I loved the hot pink version but also liked the apple green version so decided to draw both!

Last month's @ellolovey drawing challenge included the word 'tribute' so I decided to draw a tribute t-shirt. Blondie was a big idol of mine growing up (and still is) so I decided to draw a Blondie t-shirt from Backstage Originals. I love the 80s vibe!


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