Friday, 19 February 2016

Fabric Friday

I've been going through some of the kimono fabrics I bought whilst in Tokyo in November and I have to confess, they make my heart sing! I also have to confess to stroking them lovingly every now and then. The past few months have been pretty hectic for me, but I am slowly getting back on track, going through my fabrics and getting inspired to make some new clutch bags! Seeing these beautiful fabrics simply renews my inspiration to get sewing.

The two fabrics above are beautiful in their simplicity and have quite a modern feel.

The fabric above is beautifully soft and has been printed onto a silk that has a geometric design woven into it. I love the classic simplified blossom design, as well as the injection of teal.

The red fabric above has a stunning blossom design on it. I love the composition, where much of the cloth remains design-free. This is a characteristic of Japanese design were less is more.

In contrast to the red fabric, this one above is much more subdued and has a lovely soft denim coloured ground. It uses a classic Japanese design of maple leaves combined with blossom.

I love the modern colour feel of the vintage kimono piece above. As a designer, I am always looking for new colour combinations. I love the mustard yellow, teal and pink all thrown confidently onto a deep red ground! I would never have thought of using a combination like this.

Purple is always one of my favourite kimono colours, but is hard to come by. This is a close up of a kimono piece that includes burnt orange as a wonderful colour injection.

I bought the fabric above for its composition, but also for its colour scheme. The indigo blossom sits confidently on top of the soft pink blossoms, which overlap in varying shades of pink to create depth.

Black can be stunning and is always a popular colour for clutch bags. The added beauty in this fabric is the blossom print in shades of orange and cream.

Last, but not least, this vibrant kimono fabric! Check out that blossom design. Luckily I have a lot of this fabric as I plan to make some fab clutch bags in a variety of sizes.

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